Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thursday Rants of a Selfish Wife

Call to order! or whatever we need to do to get this meeting started!!

My precious Roo has to go back to work today! I hate that ... almost as much as I hated him having to go back after his vacation last week. Selfish ... you better believe it!! I am extremely selfish when it comes to my love. I don't want to share him with ANYONE!!

Now that I have that little rant and rave off my chest ... I have another for you!!

Last week, we were at the office. One of the ladies that works in the office popped off a comment about my lovie being a PITA. Oh that flew all over me!! I think one of the kids could have thrown a five gallon bucket of liquid pig poo all over me, and it wouldn't have upset me near as much as that did.

Call me old fashioned, but that female doesn't know my hubby nearly well enough to tell me he is a PITA!! IF anyone in this world gets to refer to his uhm, let's say demeanor - IT'S ME!! And I don't refer to him in that type of verbage. In my world, my hubbiness is about a breath away from being able to walk on water. This is the man that works somewhere between 94.5 to 108.5 hours in his seven day stretch - so I can stay at home, raise our children, homeschool, and sit here on my laptop blogging to my friends. Now, do I get a sharp pain in my seat ... every once in a while he surely puts a burr under my saddle, but that is for me to know ... I don't fight and tell. Besides I would be a liar if I said we NEVER get cross. We are two completely different individuals. So, of course we are going to NOT see eye to eye ... but I can tell you this, it isn't very often that we aren't tuned into one another. There may be 15 years difference in us, but there is usually only about 15 seconds difference in our thought process! I can't explain in words, even though I try, how much I love my husband. He is so precious to me.

And I, sure as the sun rises, do not tell anyone who will listen that my hubby is a pain!! That is just rude!!

Well, little boy is better, he is still rather puney though. That is hard for me to watch. I know how my G. Wolfie is - vibrant, active, and full speed ahead life!! I have been so tickled at him today. He and Roo have played musical chairs all day. He knows that it is time for his Poppie to go back to work. He is SO much like his mother in that respect. He abhors his Poppie leaving for work. They are watching tv together right now, "Growing Up Elephant" on Animal Planet. They would own a zoo if they could figure out how to get it done. G. Wolfie told his Poppie that he wants a barn where they can have an elephant ... I'm thinking barn for goats, cows, dogs, cats, chickens, and a horse or two ... he is thinking barn for a safari collection!!! Geesh!!

Okay, I am outta here for the day ... I need to go fix some hamburger meat and potatoes ... we are having tacos for dinner before love leaves!! Until the next time, much love and huggles!!

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