Justa' a place where a little hobby farm girl can blather about life on our little farm, homeschoolin' kiddies, make people sick to death hearin' about Border Collie's as best friends and whatever else crosses my half crazed mind ...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Dear Mr. Reagan ...
How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.
I am sure that if you were able to today, you would weep for your beloved office. The office that you brought so much honor to ... has been disgraced so badly by this wolf in sheeps clothing.
It is time for all American Patriots to find the writing's of Marx and Lenin. Read study and understand what these men wrote. We must arm ourselves with knowledge where we will be able to fight the good fight in the days to come. An American Revolution armed with the knowledge of communist tyrants will take us further than a yelling match at a town hall meeting. While we all know it is frustrating to talk to a liberal, we must prevail through solid reasonable words.
I am a woman ... I am a mother ... and I do not want single payer health care. I would rather pay through the nose for employer based insurance or even be self insured than have some committee decide whether or not I am viable candidate for surgery, or whether it is time for me to end my life. I do not want a committee deciding whether my child needs this, or that my daughter's have enough children and force them to be sterilized or abort. And while this health care bill may not say those exact words today. A government run health care bill will tomorrow be like other government programs. Tomorrow it will be written to reflect that administrations beliefs.
We are quickly becoming a country of no freedoms ... all to often those of us that fight for freedoms, are told we no longer have the freedom of speech, religion, privacy, etc ... because it is infringing on someone elses beliefs ... funny how we patriots don't fight to have THEIR beliefs taken away from them.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Park Ranger WolfMan
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
National Day of Prayer
While I find it sad that we have to have a "National Day of Prayer", I do have to say that I appreciate the fact that at least our government will recognize prayer. Everyday that little saying things are going to Hell in a handbasket rings loudly in my ears as I read the news. I'm thinking right now that handbasket is getting a touch full with all of the ensuing insanity. From babies being slung from cars going down the interstate, to public official flagrantly lying about their adulterous behaviors ... what has this country, this country that so many honorable men and women have fought for - fought and died for become.
My prayer for this National Day of Prayer will focus on the hope that the citizen's of America will turn to face God, get down on their knees repent and pray for His forgiveness, grace and blessings. Otherwise what exactly do American's have to look forward to ...
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Park Post ... Part Zwie
So, while the little girls went to check out the wall paper in the bathroom ... the boys found a tree to climb. And they loved it of course ... they love to get in the tree. And can't wait for Mr. Rooster to build their treehouse. (More later on that project!) And while they were up that tree, they found all kinds of flora and fauna to check out from their perch in this massive Oak tree.
Ring-a-ling-a-ding-ling ...
I have Darius Rucker’s “It Won’t Be Like This For Long” on mine for when my kids call me, because I realize it won’t be like this for long. So, I better answer them every time they call me. Then, when my Rooster-lovey calls me, well, “our” song plays - George Straits, “I Cross My Heart”. Or when Tatia calls, “Chicken Fry” by Zach Brown plays cause well … that’s my kid’s favorite song.
Of course the kid’s chose Alan Jackson’s “Small Town Southern Man” for their Poppa. And for their mother – they chose “Redneck Woman” by Gretchen Wilson … okay so I don’t like champagne or beer … but I know what they are saying – Momma keeps it real! That’s what happens when you raise your kids barefoot … hahahaha
And then there are those songs that come on and remind you of what you wished someone felt about you …
And then there are those songs that come on and reminds you of what you know someone truly feels about you each and every time you look into his eyes. So, my sweet Rooster-lovey, here is the song I hear, every time I look into your gorgeous hazel bedroom eyes…
Just One Woman … by Tracy Byrd
When Roy was a young man his friends used to tell all about
The girls they ran with and he’d just shake his head
And they’d get to laughing and asking
Well, Roy just how many girls you loving on these days
And he’d turn three shakes of red
But if you ask him now he’ll tell you
Boy, this old man’s been around
And I ain’t one to brag but you’d be hard pressed
To find too many other men around this here town
That’s loved the way I have
Just one woman
One amazing, worth the waiting
Angel from above
Just one woman is all I’ve ever loved
Well, I asked him once, Roy, don’t you think by now
She’d have wanted you to move on
He said, no, not yet
Cause once a man’s stared into the eyes
Of the most beautiful woman God ever made
Well, that’s something an old man don’t forget
But boy, don’t you worry about me none
My time here’s nearly done and I know when I’m gone
These old bones are gonna fly and I’ll be reaching for the sky
And I’ll be holding on
Just one woman
One amazing, worth the waiting
Angel from above
Just one woman
Is all I’ve ever loved
Just one woman
One amazing, worth the waiting
Angel from above
Just one woman
It’s all I’ve ever loved
She’s all I’ll ever love.
Yep, … that’s what you make my heart feel like … and while I KNOW your time isn’t anywhere near come, I understand … I really and truly understand what you told me this weekend … and I love you … just one man … you’re all I’ve ever loved … you’re all I ever will love!
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Park Day ... Part Eins
My girls are so darn cute in pigtails!
LOL, See how sweet they all look here .... look at the first pose though ...
Sarah ... don't choke Jon~~~
Tune in tomorrow at the same bat place, at the same bat time ...
for the further park adventures of the Zoo Crew - Wild Bunch ...
Monday, May 04, 2009
I'm BAD ..
Here are my Easter Sunday smilling faces ... the Wild Bunch went out and chased down the Easter bunny, beat him up, and forced him to hand over his eggs.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
"Lucy, You got some 'splainin' to do ..."
Okay, so my explanation is this ... the Rooster is not in the nest ...
Today, we are cleaning like mad ... trying desperately to get some symbolance of order going in our lives. We did do school, and we did go to church last night. YESTERDAY, I drug children to the park with weiners in tow ... but it was like we really didn't want to do anything. We really need the Rooster home, or well, we just aren't a complete circle. I don't know how women raise their kids alone, I know I was a single mom for 6 years. I hated every stinkin' minute of it. AND I sure don't wan't to find out how to do it again.
So tomorrow when my nest is feathered again with my Rooster, I will get myself together, download the camera and post like a nut. But until then, well ... just know that his plane lands in 5 hours and all will be right with my world again then!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Catching up ..
However by day three of said training class the farm girl was quite ready to ditch the city duds and run around barefoot in her Aggie shirt and shorts. Can I just say I'm glad last week is now over.
Now, this week the farm girl is home, and the Rooster has flown the coop. WYOMING ... I'm hearing that Wyoming is an awfully pretty place to be right now. LOL, hubby has fallen in love with another state.
This week the farm girl is trying to catch up laundry, cook for her kids, and just enjoy life at home. However since the Rooster is gone, his little Princess Peach is NOT doing well. She has run a low grade temperature all day ... been a lousy conversationalist ... can I say GROUCHY PANTS ... slept nearly all afternoon ... and well, has been VERY clingy!
Oh, and I am desperately trying to catch up on my grading/grade book ... sad state of affairs!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Pondering something ...
"What happened to Barabbas?"
Oh, I know ... we have Mel's Passion that shows him "realizing" what he has done. Hmmm, I think I need to drag that one out and watch it again. And I know there has been speculation, and Hollywood inference. But I want to know. That is one of those questions that will plague me until the end.
I realize the "story" isn't that Barabbas was set free. I realize that the story is that Jesus was crucified instead, and that the Jews chose to set Barabbas free. I realize that ... I just have this burning desire to know if Barabbas changed his ways, did he become a Christian, or did he turn back to his life of crime?
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Beef ... it's what's for dinner ...
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Fast Trip ...
I had laid aside time this afternoon to post ...
But alas instead of being at home blogging ... I'm defrosting the freezer, and getting ready to go to Wolfforth where I can pick up meat from the butcher shop!
I'll have pictures to show tomorrow ...
Monday, April 06, 2009
Bible Bowl-ing
Do you know ... what book the Ethiopian was reading when Philip caught up to him? Or how about ... who spoke after Paul and Barnabas at the Jerusalem Conference? Or maybe ... before dawn, on the 14th day of the storm, what did Paul encourage everyone to do?
If those aren't enough ... I have more ... I have FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX more facts that these AWESOME kids learned.
With all the kids missing less than 20% of the questions that means they got at least 144 right ... well, our lowest score out of our 18 children was 159!! That's right ... the most missed was 21 questions ... and that means that child only missed 11%. And to add to that outstanding accomplishment ... our kids had at the top end of the spectrum a 179/180, a 178/180, a 176/180 (the Ranger), and a 172/180 (Smiley) ... now isn't that just incredible!!!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Teaching the little ones ...
I know some of the things I "WANT" to be doing, but I wonder if they are truly what I am supposed to be doing.
I SO love being at home with my children teaching and training them ... but I so love training others where they are aware and thus, they are safe / safer from harm, they are healthier, and our environment is protected.
I am torn between two hearts ... and I do not feel led to quit either path.
Mr. "D" asked me Wednesday why in the world I would want to teach, after I had him in the sixth grade. HAHAHA ... little does he know but that one class a day, with him was probably what spurred me more into being a teacher of my children. I remember the care that he took teaching us, making sure that even though we were the cream of the crop readers, we never stood still, we never sat back and just coasted. He challenged us ... he dangled the carrots, and he made sure we were stretching just as far as our little minds could possibly stretch. Thanks Mr. "D" ... you are one of the very best that OUR education system has to offer.
So, really why do I want to teach my children ... well, beyond the obvious reason of I want them to have a well-rounded academic base when they go to college that has been well nurtured in all areas, not just football ...
- I also LOVE being the one that is there with them when they learn these new things. I love being the one that sees that "I GOT IT!!" moment.
- I want to be there first hand to hear those cuties - Momma, I want to study about the pyramids where all the mommies live. Hehehe ...
- I want to be the one that holds their little hands and explains the wonders of God's world while we sit outside at night gazing at the stars, walk through the zoos marvelling at all the animals or through the aquarium watching all the fish swim by, or when we watch a rain storm and they realize the water cycle that we have been discussing.
Now, I have added to my plate VBS for our church this summer. I get to teach 4 and 5 year olds ... I AM SOOOO EXCITED! I can't wait for VBS to get here. LOL, you'd think that I would get tired of teaching ... but I love it. It is a way of life for me ...
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Wind ...
Whatever happened to "in like a lion, and out like a lamb" ... I would love to know.
The wind has blown today at around 900 mph ... maybe more ... my head is just SWIRLING!
At church tonight we played "Are You Smarter Than a Bible Bowler?" WOW, our two Bible Bowlers might just be tough to beat. I can just imagine what the Wolf-man will be like for the next four years ... San Angelo watch out here comes the Wolf-man! Right now they better be careful because the sweet innocent smile of Miss Smiley is lethal when it comes to answering those multiple choice questions. She would reach over real stealthy like and press the buzzer - and then in her soft sweet voice just whip out that little answer with her award winning (not really but golly gee whizzy, Ms. Julia Roberts doesn't have a smile that pretty!) smile and just barely whisper her answer. LOL, she could charm the scales off a rattler with that smile. And then, there is the Ranger ... once he was able to take a breath ... well, let's just say there was no stopping him ringing that buzzer and answering those questions! He didn't need he multiple choice for most of his ... he just answered the quesiton flat out. AMAZING!!! My children amaze me daily!!!
I would like to say I have more to post about tonight ... but my allergies are KILLING me ... I have a horrid headache and I'm going to go find a quiet spot to lay down and crash for a few hours. I didn't get much sleep last night ... I snored all night. Needless to say, my poor Rooster finally got up and went to work at 3am ... just to be rid of me.
Nighty night ... dear friends ....
Monday, March 30, 2009
Ramblings ...
I am very unsettled in what I need to be doing.
However ... the Ranger read our history lesson about Jamestown to us all today saving my voice. I am VERY thankful for him. Today wasn't all roses between me and him, but it seems once lunch rolled around he was in a better mood. I know he and Sarah are very nervous. They are participating in our church's Bible Bowl competition this weekend.
Rooster finally tonight set them both down and explained to them that it was HIS job to get them to the church, fed breakfast, and dress appropriately. It is THEIR job to know the book of Acts inside and out ... I think the Ranger has that one covered. ((SHEW)) He is simply amazing how he can skim through something and commit it to memory. Sarah on the other hand is like her mom ... she has to STUDY for hours before she gets it right.
hahah ... Uncle Magic ... I consistantly posted everyday all last week ... hmmm, and I started this week ... don't get your hopes up, but I bet I even have something to say tomorrow after I get my self sorted out ... maybe I'll just post for you my GROCERY list ... not the bill, but the list ... geesh don't want anyone to die from shock ... even though I may ...
Rooster did point out to me a PERFECT spot for the raised beds. I am not fighting my ground anylonger ... I am installing raised beds to grow my produce in. Oh oh oh ... do you know what tomorrow is ... tomorrow is the day that Mr. Bubba T-Bone comes off the HOOK and starts the cutting up process! YEAH ... home grown grass and corn fed beef !!!! I may write an ode to the Maine-Anjou after that first steak!
Picturing Texas ...
I love just nearly all things Texas ...
and old buildings in quaint little towns or metropolisis for that matter really trip this girls trigger!
This is the Santa Fe Railstation in Gainesville ...
I took these pictures when we were there last year in February. My mother-in-law lived there, we went to visit her in the last moments of her life. She lived in this neat little retirement apartment building. And right next door was the train station. It is an Amtrak station, but was orginally built as an Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Depot, and has a museum located on the first floor. Upstairs are city offices and a replica of a Harvey House overnight stay quarters. This beauty was built in 1901 and designed by C.W. Felt, the chief engineer of the Sante Fe Railroad (Henry, J. C., Architecture in Texas, 1895 - 1945). By the way if you are at all interested in Texas Architecture, I really enjoyed reading this book. I don't have a clue about architecture, I am not an architect by any means, so I have no opinion on the book. I like, no strike that, I love old buildings ... but I know what makes me feel at home, and comfortable when I am traveling ... and this by far and way was a place that washed me in emotion.
Friday, March 27, 2009
The America I Remember ...
Rooster remembers crank handle telephones. Where you called the operator and she connected you to the party you were trying to call.
Rooster remembers party lines. His family's phone ring was two longs and a short. Of course the phone numbers were also something along the lines of SHerwood - 54499. You had to search out the "S", the "H" and then the numbers.
We both remember rotary dial phones.
We both remember push button phones.
We both remember our first "hand held" phone.
We remember "mobile" phones that were wired into your vehicle and would honk like crazy when the phone rang.
We remember "affordable" mobile phones that came in a bag.
We now, no longer have a land line. We only have our cellular phones.
Do you remember any of these things ....
Of course these were simpler times, times where you were polite and did not listen in on the party line. If you had to break in you only did it in an emergency, and you apologized for interrupting your neighbors phone call.
Neighbor, now that in itself is a word that is lost on todays society. Do you know your neighbors? Neighbors were those people you used to sit on the front porch with in the evening while the kids played hide-n-seek, kick the can, or even tag football if you were from my neighborhood. We girls practiced the latest "cheer" on the sidewalks while the boys played ball in the street. Our dad's didn't have to referee, because the older brothers made sure that the game was fair, even for the littlest of players.
I miss this America ... the land of the free, the home of the brave ... the one that still trusts in God.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tapestry of Grace
Okay, here it is ... we started with Year 2, Unit 3 - Of Crowns and Colonies. I'll admit again, I went a little over the top with the first purchase of books ... but I didn't buy everything they had listed on their website. Which was a good thing, because not only do the children have to be educated but they also have to be fed FOOD!
And we all know that the grocery store is the well, TAKER OF ALL PAYCHECKS!!! However, I am trying the Grocery Game out for four weeks to see how that is going to work out for us, but more on that later because I am really trying to become the un-Disorganized Woman. And not to mention either, since I am trying to post about homeschooling today that I am also crocheting a baby blanket, sadly not for one of my own, but for my neighbor's new little baby girl. I am using a pattern from Mary Maxim, Heart of My Heart pattern.
Okay, so back to the ToG stuff. I have realized that a lot of the really good OOP books that I so love will work just fine and dandy for this program. So, what am I doing - I am substituting books I want my children to read in for some of the selections in the literature sections. And I am using a ton of books that I have found at The Baldwin Online Children's Book Project, American Colonists' Library, Annie Fellows Johnston, and many, many others ... oh, one more great resource for online children's books of yesteryear quality ... The World Public Library. Of course there are some really great books in print, I'm not knocking some of today's classics in anyway ... I just find that some of yesteryears books are too quaint, and charming not to mention history filled to pass up! We always have our Kingfisher History Encyclopedia to keep us straight if we find ourselves "wondering" (no, not "wandering because we always wander away from the specific topic, to hop down the bunny trails of things that interest us greatly).
So, here we are ... Thursday ... where did this week go ... I am absolutely befuzzled as I am sure, yesterday was just MONDAY!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Yesterday ...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Finally ...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Birthday Wishes ...
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Tenderly my heart aches ...
Dear sweet Austyn Wyatt Jordan, today you would have turned seven. Miss Baby-Girl never knew you, but she is so very sure that your sweet spirits were best friends up in heaven. I don't know if that is possible ... but I do know this ... it is a very comforting thought that my baby boy, and my baby girl knew each other long before she came to be with us on this earth. Maybe baby spirits do come straight from heaven ... I would like to think that God has a hand in which children we each are blessed with.
Smiley-girl and Big Bubba of course have the fondest and strongest memories besides Rooster and I. They miss you so much ... just as much I think as Roo and I do.
On your birthday, we laid in bed together looking up at your portrait ... so peaceful. Just as peaceful as when you laid in your carseat in front of the kitchen window snoozing ... your little heart so content.
Thank you God for the ten beautiful days you gave us ... with the most peaceful baby in the world. While we would have loved 10 years, times 10 ... we will take the ten days gratefully, knowing that it could have only been 10 hours or worse yet 10 minutes.