Friday, September 05, 2008

You have WHAT, living WHERE?????

Today, I think … we have finally come to a complete understanding.

The cat is in control.

I never in all my life thought I would say these things.

I now have conversations with cat. (Yes, I still talk to Harley-he is still #1 dog in the world!)
I allow cat to sleep on my pillow. (No, Harley never slept on my pillow – he sleeps on Roo’s.)
I actually have come to realize … I like cat. And yes this beautiful green/grey eyed Tabby does have a name.

Her name is Tigger – no not original, but I have a chocolate eyed girl that thinks Tigger is tops, whether it is Tigger and Pooh or Tigger and Smiley! I call her Tiggity-Tig Cat … and she comes to me … she follows me … she seeks me out. I have a theory on this … it is because I am allergic to cats. LOL, oh, yeah did I mention I have purchased stock in OTC Zyrtec®. My little green capped bottle and I are BEST friends.

Of course the most hilarious part about Tiggity-Tig is her 5:30 am playtime with Rooster. While my precious one is in the bathroom doing his morning routine, he has Tig either playing with her toys under his feet, pouncing off laundry baskets at him as he moves back and forth, jumping out from behind the door, watching him shower and shave, and last but not least jumping off of the cabinet shelves at him!! Well, I don’t know … her jumping out from under the bed as he walks by is pretty funny too!!


Teri said...

There's the saying...

Dogs have owners... cats have staff.


Jess J Jordan said...

Uhm, yeah ... I had always heard that cat's were the ones in control ... I never in all my life realized just how much in control they actually were.