Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Top Ten Stupid Things I've Heard this Week!!!

Military Recruitment Station Attacks

Okay, now this has to be number 1 on my TOP TEN STUPID THINGS I'VE HEARD THIS WEEK list. I am talking about the SAGE words that came from Jodie Evans, co-founder of Code Pink. She says and I quote ... "We're trying to end the war, and military recruiting is a way that continues war. One of the pillars of war are soldiers that fight it." Funny, back when I studied US Government it wasn't the MILITARY that continues a war, but even funnier than that it isn't the President that continues a war - it is CONGRESS. Does she not realize that wars will be fought whether there are recruiting stations or not. IF a young man or woman wants to join the military - they will. And from what I understand West Point STILL has a waiting list of alternates each and every year! Go figure, I guess there are brave men and women just looking for the chance to join the military. I find it quite sad that these "peace" protesters have no compunction whatsoever about destroying other people's property, spitting on soldiers that are "JUST" doing their job, or saying outrageously stupid things about these brave men and women that ensure them the RIGHT to stand there and say IDIOTIC NONSENSE and for me to have the right to sit here and tell them how STUPID they are in my little ole' humble opinion!!

While I am not a war monger, does Ms. Evans not realize that ending the war in Iraq will just bring Al Qaeda to our front doors. Am I to assume that she was still on the turnip truck when September 11 occurred, or does she think we deserved to have planes flown into the Towers, the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania. I do not see ending the war in Iraq as a good thing - right now Iraq is the central battleground in our fight against Al Qaeda - and that is not just my assumption but is straight from the "horses" mouth. Bin Laden, General Petraeus, and Senator McCain are in agreement Iraq is the battleground in the fight against Al Qaeda, so that leads my little simple mind to believe that if we, American Military Personel, leave Iraq - Al Qaeda is going to follow us home. Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, and any of their ilk are not welcome in my front yard, however I bet I could warm up some brisket, some pork ribs, 'tater salad, a pot of beans, chocolate cake, and the 16 gauge if they come for a visit. So, instead of having to waste a good bbq on them - I'd much rather host that for a bunch of military boys and girls - I would absolutely prefer for the brave fighting men and women to continue the good fight and continue to win the war in Iraq. I hate that these men and women are dying, I hate that they are away from their families ... my daughter is in love with a Navy man ... but I would prefer to have these dedicated soldiers fighting for us in Iraq.

Remember ya'll ... when you pass a soldier on the street, take the time to thank them!

Enough of my ranting and raving this week ... okay ... so at least for today!!!