Justa' a place where a little hobby farm girl can blather about life on our little farm, homeschoolin' kiddies, make people sick to death hearin' about Border Collie's as best friends and whatever else crosses my half crazed mind ...
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Seeds are on their way
((dancing around the living room))
Seeds are on their way - I can't wait!! My Rooster love is building me a "greenhouse" where 1) I do not have to fight the weeds and grass - yes you heard me GRASS anytime you till a spot of dirt on this farm burmuda grass grows THICK and 2) I don't have to crawl around on my creaky knees with the rattle-bugs.
GW killed the first rattler this week ... made this Momma's heart sink. First my baby isn't old enough to be out killing snakes, and second the carefree days of Spring are already over. While I do realize that snakes have their place in our ecosystem, I really wish they would find some place else to live besides my little spot o' heaven. When I fussed at him, it made him cry - not because I "fussed" but because the snake nearly bit his little brother therefore he may have saved his little brothers life. Now, anyone that knows our little Jon would sagely shake their heads in agreement with GW's assessment - little guy is no bigger than Savannah and sure doesn't have the immune system to fight even a graze from a rattler. So, in truth he did save his brother - now I ask you ... can I just lock them up in the house until winter????? No - because there will be NO sanity left in this mother and there will be NO house left standing.
And for any of my readers concerned about a puppy update ... ahem ... ya' know who ya' are ... they are all GORGEOUS ... I have some BLUE EYED PUPPIES THIS TIME!!!! The first litter - Callie-girls are SO hilarious - they are up walking and barking and howling and whining ... I had one get bit by momma last night trying to get into her food bowl. They were three weeks the 26th ... little stinks are just like kids - grow up way too fast!!
Well, I guess this is about it today ... I need to get my day going ... as it is right now this is the only voice I have - yeah yeah yeah my lucky husband and children don't have to listen to me as I don't have a voice above a whisper due to a STUPID SUMMER COLD!!! ARGH!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Top Ten Stupid Things I've Heard this Week!!!
Okay, now this has to be number 1 on my TOP TEN STUPID THINGS I'VE HEARD THIS WEEK list. I am talking about the SAGE words that came from Jodie Evans, co-founder of Code Pink. She says and I quote ... "We're trying to end the war, and military recruiting is a way that continues war. One of the pillars of war are soldiers that fight it." Funny, back when I studied US Government it wasn't the MILITARY that continues a war, but even funnier than that it isn't the President that continues a war - it is CONGRESS. Does she not realize that wars will be fought whether there are recruiting stations or not. IF a young man or woman wants to join the military - they will. And from what I understand West Point STILL has a waiting list of alternates each and every year! Go figure, I guess there are brave men and women just looking for the chance to join the military. I find it quite sad that these "peace" protesters have no compunction whatsoever about destroying other people's property, spitting on soldiers that are "JUST" doing their job, or saying outrageously stupid things about these brave men and women that ensure them the RIGHT to stand there and say IDIOTIC NONSENSE and for me to have the right to sit here and tell them how STUPID they are in my little ole' humble opinion!!
While I am not a war monger, does Ms. Evans not realize that ending the war in Iraq will just bring Al Qaeda to our front doors. Am I to assume that she was still on the turnip truck when September 11 occurred, or does she think we deserved to have planes flown into the Towers, the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania. I do not see ending the war in Iraq as a good thing - right now Iraq is the central battleground in our fight against Al Qaeda - and that is not just my assumption but is straight from the "horses" mouth. Bin Laden, General Petraeus, and Senator McCain are in agreement Iraq is the battleground in the fight against Al Qaeda, so that leads my little simple mind to believe that if we, American Military Personel, leave Iraq - Al Qaeda is going to follow us home. Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, and any of their ilk are not welcome in my front yard, however I bet I could warm up some brisket, some pork ribs, 'tater salad, a pot of beans, chocolate cake, and the 16 gauge if they come for a visit. So, instead of having to waste a good bbq on them - I'd much rather host that for a bunch of military boys and girls - I would absolutely prefer for the brave fighting men and women to continue the good fight and continue to win the war in Iraq. I hate that these men and women are dying, I hate that they are away from their families ... my daughter is in love with a Navy man ... but I would prefer to have these dedicated soldiers fighting for us in Iraq.
Remember ya'll ... when you pass a soldier on the street, take the time to thank them!
Enough of my ranting and raving this week ... okay ... so at least for today!!!
Further Thoughts on What A Woman Should Know and Have ...
A woman should have enough money in her control to move out and rent a place of her own – we should never put neither ourselves, or our husbands, or our children’s safety in jeapordy. If something was to happen to my dear love, and I could not access money to take care of us, what kind of wife and mother would I be?
something perfect to wear if the employer, or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...
Oh, definitely – I have a special outfit just for my dear love’s “calls” to meet him for a “date”. Whether we are going to Sonic for happy hour, or he is taking me out to eat at our favorite little Italian restaurant.
a youth she's content to leave behind....
Why would any woman want to drag her youth with her … women that try to re-live their youth are missing out on the spectacular part of being a WOMAN! I know who I am, and how special I am because I am a woman.
a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age....
A past juicy enough that I look forward to retelling it – sure, who’s to say what is juicy though. Juicy pasts don’t have to be anything dirty – they can be a fairy tale story of falling in love. Juicy just means, in my opinion, a story worth telling. And I have a love story so worth telling …
a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
Yep, I have the screwdrivers, the cordless drill, and the lacy things to go with … AND, because I want to bless my dear love – I know how to use them! It is one thing to own the screwdriver, the drill and the lace – but it is another to know how, and when to use them. He knows what my lace looks like, but no one else does!!
one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...
Sisters are so important – whether they be the ones that you share DNA with, or just the ones that you share commonality with – I don’t think a woman should try to go through life without her sisters!
a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...
Yes, but she should also take great care of those pieces passed down through her family – and never forget to tell the stories that go with those beautiful pieces of your family.
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal, that will make her guests feel honored..
A woman should also take the time frequently to bring those honored guests together. What good is it to have the plates, glasses, and a recipe – if we don’t ever use them. This recipe doesn’t have to be a London broil or a rack of lamb – it could be a fabulous bbq meal. Recipes are a lot more than the ingredients, they are the love and care that it takes to prepare, and serve your friends and but most importantly your family.
a feeling of control over her destiny.
Okay, I know you are sitting there going HOW can I – someone that is my husband’s helpmeet –be in control of my destiny. That is ridiculous right? Wrong!! I have free will, I make my choices, I have not checked my brain at the door. My dear love values me for much more than my housekeeping skills – which is probably a VERY GOOD THING ((looking around at my piles!!!)). Not to mention the fact that I chose Jesus Christ as my savior, therefore I have controlled my destiny yet again by my choice to be a Christian.
how to fall in love without losing herself.
Impossible, nope … quite simple in fact all you have to do is BE yourself when you FALL IN LOVE!
how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship..
Don’t lie, be genuine, and be true to yourself – all the rest will sort out in the wash. I’ve never quit a job that my employer didn’t want to hire me back – why? Because I didn’t lie to them, I did my job to the best of my ability, and they knew I could count on me! Same goes with my friends – they know they can count on me to be there!
when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...
There again, if you are genuine you know when you have to try harder and you know when a situation is impossible. You have to know when to butt your head on the wall, and when you are just making a migraine for yourself!
that she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
But this isn’t Carte Blanche to let yourself go nor is it the go ahead to give up on your parents. Your parents are the ones that gave you life – no matter if they are the best in the world, or if they are the worst in the world – they are the ones that brought you into this world. Course I am a fine one to talk about letting one’s self go, however, I am putting my hoof’s to the pavement each morning. This ole’ heifer is going to look good again in that lacy stuff her Rooster loves so much!
that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...
And boy am I glad that it is over over over!! I don’t want to be 18 again, I don’t want to be 16 again, I don’t want to be a child again! I like being nearly forty … IT IS UBER COOL to be this old!!
what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
I will lay down my life for my love, but I will not give up myself for his love. He loves me for who I am – not what he could change me into!
how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...
I can live alone, but I hate it. Hopefully, when my Rooster love slips away to our farm upstairs, I will be strong enough to ramble around in our barn all alone – I hate to think about it, but it is truly a possibility.
whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally...
Maybe this is the thought that we should really ponder daily … who we can trust, who we can’t, and how not to take it personally … In the words of Michael Coreleone … "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" – that is probably a GREAT path to take in life!
where to go...be it to her best friend's kitchen table... or a charming inn in the woods...when her soul needs soothing...
I know the numbers, the email addresses, and the doorsteps to go to when my soul need soothing. I know exactly who to call when I need a friendly ear, when I need my butt kicked, and when I just need to bawl like a baby for no apparent reason. But the best part is, the souls at the other end of the phone/email/door know that they can call me anytime day or night and I will be there for them!
what she can and can't accomplish in a day...a month...and a year...
Ah, but sadly knowing exactly what I can and cannot accomplish in a day / a month / a year does not stop me from trying to do it all in one hour! I have so little patience at times especially for things that I “THINK” I have control over!!
A Woman Should Have ...
enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to...
something perfect to wear if the employer, or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...
a youth she's content to leave behind....
a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age....
a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...
a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal, that will make her guests feel honored..
a feeling of control over her destiny.
how to fall in love without losing herself.
how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship..
when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...
that she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...
what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...
whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally...
where to go... be it to her best friend's kitchen table... or a charming inn in the woods... when her soul needs soothing...
what she can and can't accomplish in a day... a month...and a year..
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
Finally Friday!
My homeschool is rolling right along - I updated some of our curriculum, stayed with some that we have been using, and changed a few things that I felt like were just not doing the job I needed. We completely changed our history and geography. We are going to be studying Story of the World, and the Trail Guide Geography series. I do not feel that our current history / geography program is really producing the results that we want for our children. Rooster-love and I have set a rather high standard for our children, and we are not seeing the results that we want. For one, they are only getting about a paragraph of solid history - uhm, that doesn't work for this history lovin' momma. And the geography well, it is just lacking also ... so ... yeah, yeah, yeah, I know the geography thing is an even bigger pet than the history for me. So, here we go - new year expanding our curriculum, stepping outside the box. Yeah ... go team! Well, at least until I can get back to writing my own - whimper, I so miss our unit studies!!!
Of course today, my little homeschoolers are just beside themselves. Since their Poppa started his new job, were were able to aquire a second vehicle for the family. Well, today we get to meet our homeschooling group at Chick-fil-a for lunch. So, the condition was we get to go if we have lessons and chores done ... my children were up at 6:00 am this morning doing their chores and getting ready to go ... we don't leave for about TWO hours still ... hahahahah!!! They are being SO GOOD this morning. I think it is SO funny - little stinker kids!!
Well, I must hustle off to do my morning thing ... were I can get ready to go!
Talk to ya'll later ....
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Callie Girl - Birthin' them Babies
I love the birth process - no matter who me, the dogs, the goats, the hogs, or the cow down the road. I love the birth of a baby. It renews my spirit, it gives me a chance to look into the miracle that God has given each of us. While I am INCREDIBLY jealous of the woman that gave birth to IDENTICAL triplets this week (can we say UBER BABY LOVE), I will take my miracle of seven puppies this morning and cherish those warm puppy noses, the sweet smell of a newborn animals, and the content look on my Callie girls face.
Oh, being hand fed Cheetos wouldn't have anything to do with that big ole' belly!
Then, at 6:30am Texas Time this fine March morning what do I find ...
the beginnings of a puppy pile!
And the pile grew ... from three to SEVEN by 10:30am!!
And here is one of the two little girls ...
And this is one of FIVE little boys ...
Hmm, which of these handsome little guys will be a Cherokee for my favorite Sister Sue? Oh, dear, oh me, oh my ...